shell python


Welcome to the Dgtmarket API! You can use our API to access Your Dgtmarket account.

We have language bindings in Shell and Python! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


API base URL for all endpoints is:


Use this URL as a prefix for the endpoints described in this documentation. Currently there is no sandbox instance of the API.

Available pairs

For API endpoints available pairs are: BTCPLN, LTCPLN, LTCBTC


API has rate limits set to 60 requests per minute for public endpoints and up to 100 requests per minute for private endpoints. If rate limit is exceeded, server will response 429 Too Many Requests status code.



Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "ask": "2652.50000000",
    "bid": "2640.00000000",
    "high": "2642.59000000",
    "last": "2642.59000000",
    "low": "2576.44000000",
    "volume": "8.50726555"

This endpoint retrieves ticker 24h.

HTTP Request

GET /public/ticker24/:pair/

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
pair false One of the available pairs.

List Offers

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "asks": [
            "amount": "0.28889603",
            "any_price": false,
            "quotation": "2640.00000000"
            "amount": "0.23111682",
            "any_price": false,
            "quotation": "2648.00000000"
    "bids": [
            "amount": "0.41148783",
            "any_price": false,
            "quotation": "2590.00000000"
            "amount": "0.00787401",
            "any_price": false,
            "quotation": "2540.00000000"

This endpoint retrieves aggregated offers in the orderbook. It returns maximum 30 best entries in each ‘bids’ and 'asks’ tables ordered by quotation.

HTTP Request

GET /public/offers/:pair/

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
pair false One of the available pairs.

List Transactions

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

        "amount": "0.03311129",
        "date": "1469385205",
        "price": "2642.59000000",
        "tid": 7557
        "amount": "0.07680608",
        "date": "1469384081",
        "price": "2630.00000000",
        "tid": 7556
        "amount": "0.04765030",
        "date": "1469383603",
        "price": "2586.93000000",
        "tid": 7555

This endpoint retrieves last 30 transactions ordered by date.

HTTP Request

GET /public/transactions/:pair/

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
pair false One of the available pairs.


Private API allows users to manage their accounts. Calling private API requires using authentication mechanism described in a sections below. This mechanism includes 3 main steps:

  1. Enabling API
  2. Generating API keys
  3. Synchronizing time with a server
  4. Authenticating requests


Enabling API

This is step 0. Actually to enable private API you have to send us an e-mail (kontakt [at] or pomoc [at] with API enabling request. After that you will have possibility to generate API keys throught the get token endpoint.

Get API keys

When your private API is enabled you can generate API keys. Calling this endpoint once again will revoke previous generated keys.

Example Request

r ='',
    data={'username': 'john', 'password': 'secret'}
r = r.json()
key, secret = r['key'], r['secret']
curl ""
    -X POST -d "username=john" -d "password=secret"

Example Response

    "key": "eiPe0nouwohghaujaiy1yievei2osai7keeriedo",
    "secret": "eiTahahBuaniz9peekuk7ohpi8einuiPhaeji1Oo"

HTTP Request

GET /public/token/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
username false Username.
password false Password.

Get Time

Returns server’s time in Unix epoch format.


Example Response

    "epoch": 1469386936

HTTP Request

GET /public/time/

Authenticating requests

import hmac
import hashlib
import time

import requests
from requests.auth import AuthBase

class DgtmarketApiAuth(AuthBase):
    def __init__(self, key, secret):
        self.key = key
        self.secret = secret

    def __call__(self, request):
        timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
        message = timestamp + request.method + request.path_url + (request.body or '')
        signature =, message, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

            'ACCESS-SIGN': signature,
            'ACCESS-TIMESTAMP': timestamp,
            'ACCESS-KEY': self.key,
        return request

# create DgtmarketApiAuth callable instance
auth = DgtmarketApiAuth('you_api_key', 'your_secret_key')

# example private API request using auth. Using verify=False to simplify.
r = requests.get('', auth=auth, verify=False)

All requests to the private API have to be properly signed and requests have to include headers listed below:

All request bodies should have content type application/json and be valid JSON.

The ACCESS-SIGN header is generated by creating a sha256 HMAC using the secret key on the prehash string timestamp + method + requestPath + body (where + represents string concatenation). The timestamp value is the same as the ACCESS-TIMESTAMP header.

The body is the request body string or omitted if there is no request body (typically for GET requests).

The method should be UPPER CASE.

The ACCESS-TIMESTAMP header MUST be number of seconds since Unix Epoch.

Your timestamp must be within 30 seconds of the api service time or your request will be considered expired and rejected. We recommend using the time endpoint to query for the API server time if you believe there many be time skew between your server and the API servers.


List wallets

Example response

        "outgoing_address": null, 
        "currency": "LTC", 
        "balance": "0.00000000", 
        "incoming_address": "LeZNStaj1q8eseLa9Gqr8nvwp4iaGiX6rU", 
        "blocked": "0.00000000"
        "outgoing_address": null, 
        "currency": "BTC", 
        "balance": "0.33759934", 
        "incoming_address": "1JKhwNU45UE2j1f4CaEQLSHnPbycKqCKzG", 
        "blocked": "0.00000000"
        "outgoing_address": null, 
        "currency": "PLN", 
        "balance": "0.01557254", 
        "incoming_address": "78 1010 1023 0000 2613 9520 0000", 
        "blocked": "0.00000000"

Get a list of user’s wallets.

HTTP Request

GET /private/wallets/


Place New Offer

data = {
    'pair': 'btcpln', 
    'amount': 0.001, 
    'quotation': 2570, 
    'order_type': 'buy'

r = + '/private/offers/', auth=auth, data=data)

Example response

    "any_price": false, 
    "activation_limit": "0.00000000", 
    "order_type": "BUY", 
    "amount": "0.00100000", 
    "pair": "BTCPLN", 
    "id": 17167, 
    "quotation": "2570.00000000"

HTTP Request

POST /private/offers/


Parameter Description
pair One of the available pairs
order_type BUY or SELL
quotation Quotation
amount Amount of BTC (in BTCPLN pair) to buy or sell
activation_limit [optional]
any_price [optional] true or false

Cancel Offer

r = requests.delete(server_address + '/private/offers/17167/', auth=auth)

If successful server responses 204 No Content status code.

HTTP Request

DELETE /private/offers/:offer_id/

Get an Offer details

Example response

    "status": "REALIZED_CLOSED", 
    "any_price": false, 
    "updated": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.086269", 
    "activation_limit": "0.00000000", 
    "order_type": "BUY", 
    "created": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.018452", 
    "transactions": [
    "filled_amount": "0.09846107", 
    "commission": "0.00000000", 
    "amount": "0.09846107", 
    "pair": "BTCPLN", 
    "blocked": "253.03214996", 
    "id": 17169, 
    "quotation": "2569.87000000"

HTTP Request

GET /private/offers/:offer_id/

Offer statuses

amount currency amount to buy or sell.

commission is in percents, eg. 0.30000000 means commission value equals 0.3% of the offer value.

transactions returns a list of transactions’ ids connected to realized or partially realized offer.

filled_amount realized amount of the offer’s amount.

blocked blocked currency amount for realization offer purposes

List Offers

Example request with optional filtering

GET /private/offers/?offer_status=REALIZED_CLOSED&limit=3

Example response

    "count": 1965, 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "status": "REALIZED_CLOSED", 
            "any_price": false, 
            "updated": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.086269", 
            "activation_limit": "0.00000000", 
            "order_type": "BUY", 
            "created": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.018452", 
            "transactions": [
            "filled_amount": "0.09846107", 
            "commission": "0.00000000", 
            "amount": "0.09846107", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "blocked": "253.03214996", 
            "id": 17169, 
            "quotation": "2569.87000000"
            "status": "REALIZED_CLOSED", 
            "any_price": false, 
            "updated": "2016-07-29T09:47:28.853000", 
            "activation_limit": "0.00000000", 
            "order_type": "SELL", 
            "created": "2016-07-29T09:47:28.504034", 
            "transactions": [
            "filled_amount": "0.07800980", 
            "commission": "0.00000000", 
            "amount": "0.07800980", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "blocked": "0.07800980", 
            "id": 17165, 
            "quotation": "2570.29000000"
            "status": "REALIZED_CLOSED", 
            "any_price": false, 
            "updated": "2016-07-29T09:38:02.116077", 
            "activation_limit": "0.00000000", 
            "order_type": "BUY", 
            "created": "2016-07-29T09:38:02.061649", 
            "transactions": [
            "filled_amount": "0.05638905", 
            "commission": "0.00000000", 
            "amount": "0.05638905", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "blocked": "145.17981202", 
            "id": 17164, 
            "quotation": "2574.61000000"
    "next": ""

Get list of user offers.

HTTP Request

GET /private/offers/

Available filtering

Parameter Description
order_type BUY or SELL
offer_status Available offer statuses
pair Available pairs
date_start Filters offers with date equal or newer than date_start
date_end Filters offers with date equal or older than date_end
limit Limit number of results
offset Offset


Get a Transaction details

r = requests.get(server_address + '/private/transactions/8033/', auth=auth)

Example response

    "date": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.037002", 
    "transaction_type": "BUY", 
    "commission": "0.30000000", 
    "amount": "0.09846107", 
    "pair": "BTCPLN", 
    "id": 8033, 
    "quotation": "2569.87000000"

HTTP Request

GET /private/transactions/:transaction_id/

List Transactions

Example request with optional filtering

r = requests.get(server_address + '/private/transactions/?limit=3', auth=auth)

Example response

    "count": 2006, 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "date": "2016-07-29T11:05:59.447869", 
            "transaction_type": "BUY", 
            "commission": "0.30000000", 
            "amount": "0.06915566", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "id": 8035, 
            "quotation": "2569.23000000"
            "date": "2016-07-29T10:43:34.681738", 
            "transaction_type": "SELL", 
            "commission": "0.30000000", 
            "amount": "0.05935927", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "id": 8034, 
            "quotation": "2570.71000000"
            "date": "2016-07-29T10:13:47.037002", 
            "transaction_type": "BUY", 
            "commission": "0.30000000", 
            "amount": "0.09846107", 
            "pair": "BTCPLN", 
            "id": 8033, 
            "quotation": "2569.87000000"
    "next": ""

Get list of user transactions.

HTTP Request

GET /private/transactions/

Available filtering

Parameter Description
pair Available pairs (default is BTCPLN)
limit Limit number of results
offset Offset


Transfers endpoints allows to list user’s history of withdrawals and deposits as well as order new withdrawal.

Transfer statuses

Transfer types

Order a new Transfer (withdrawal)

data = {
    'currency': 'btc', 
    'amount': 0.015, 

r = + '/private/transfer/', auth=auth, data=data)

Creating a new Transfer will withdraw an ordered amount of a choosen currency to a proper configured outgoing_address (which you can check in the wallets API endpoint).

HTTP Request

POST /private/transfer/


Parameter Description
currency BTC or PLN or LTC
amount Amount of a currency to withdrawal

Get a Transfer details

Endopoint that returns transfer details.

HTTP Request

GET /private/transfers/:transfer_id/

List Transfers

Get a list of user transfers.

HTTP Request

GET /private/transfers/

Available filtering

Parameter Description
currency Available currencies: BTC, PLN,LTC
transfer_type Available transfer types
transfer_status Available transfer statuses
limit Limit number of results
offset Offset
